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A Quick Comparison : 2013 KIA Rio vs 2013 KIA Forte

Having a tough time deciding which KIA vehicle you want? The team at KIA West knows how hard it can be to choose between the 2013 KIA Rio and the 2013 KIA Forte because both are affordable and have a lot of standard features. So, here is a quick comparison between the two to help you with your choice. For the purpose of this comparison the 2013 KIA Rio LX and the 2013 KIA Forte 2.0 LX are the base models chosen.

The outer appearance of the 2013 KIA Forte is more refined and sleek, while the 2013 KIA Rio is more sporty and aggressive. This is apparent in the different headlight, front grille, body contours and taillights. Both offer a modern look with a wide stance, low rooflines and modern colours paired with both chrome and black accents.

Both the 2013 KIA Rio and the 2013 KIA Forte can seat up to 5 passengers. The Rio has a cargo volume of 389L and the Forte has 415L. Both come standard with an AM/FM stereo with a CD player, a USB digital media input and 4 speakers.

Both vehicles also come standard with a 6-speed manual transmission and front wheel drive. The Rio comes base with a 1.6L engine and the Forte comes with a 2.0L. The Forte offers more power but the Rio offers better fuel economy.

2013 Engines:

  • 2013 KIA Rio : 1.6L  – 138 horsepower and 123 lb-ft of torque

  • 2013 KIA Forte : 2.0L – 156 horsepower and 144 lb-ft of torque

Come down to KIA West and check out our selection of 2013 KIA Rio and 2013 KIA Forte cars. Weigh the pros and cons of each car and see which one best suits the needs of your family and lifestyles.

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KIA West

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